Who are we?

We are men and women, young and old, fast and slow, but all with goals to maintain and improve our fitness. Some of us have been working out together for years, others are newer. Some can do a ton of pushups, others only a few. All of us like being outdoors when we exercise instead of staring at a wall in a gym.

What are the workouts like?

Every weekday we meet a few minutes before 7AM in one of several parks or other open spaces around town and exercise for an hour.

The workouts vary from day to day. Some days the workout might focus on one body part, like pushups or abs, other days it may be a variety of lots of different exercises. Some days we might run the entire time, others might be yoga & balance work.

Bad weather doesn't cancel a workout (unless there‘s lightning or ice) because people don't rust when it rains. It‘s surprisingly fun to have a cardio workout in the snow on sleds — you‘ll feel like a kid again.

​Variety, both in the location of the workouts and the goal on any particular day, is the one consistent quality. If you have an injury and can't do a specific exercise, we can always give an alternative.

Who should join?

If you can run a mile in under 12 minutes, if your first instinct is to respond “sure” rather than “I can‘t” when presented with a challenge, if you like beautiful skies and birds chirping as you exercise, you‘ll probably be just fine. Our workouts are one hour long with no breaks.

What‘s the atmosphere like?

One word — respect. Nobody will yell at you (unless they're shouting “good job”), and you won‘t be teased for not doing as many reps as the person next to you. We have a lot of little ways to keep a group together despite variation in each individual‘s abilities. After all, if someone runs twice as fast as you, but you‘re the one breathing harder and with the higher heart rate, who do you think has more grit and is trying harder?

What should I bring?

A positive attitude is the best asset. After that, a t-shirt, shorts, some running shoes and maybe gloves (gardening gloves are great for pushups and crawls). It‘s smart to wear layers and cover extremities during cold weather — you don't want to be too cold, but you‘ll also warm up surprisingly fast. There is no special equipment needed for these workouts.

​Having some water in your car for after the workout is a good idea, and some folks bring a towel or change of clothes, depending on what they're doing afterwards.

You‘ll probably get a bit dirty — that‘s part of the fun!

How much does it cost?

This is a club, not a company, so there is no charge. Your part in creating a fun and friendly atmosphere is payment enough!

How do I join?

Email us at and let us know what day you‘d like to attend your first workout and we'll send location instructions.